Welcome to Latest Gift Codes! Are you looking for an League of Angels Pact Codes? If Yes, then You’ve found the ideal place. In this article, we will share the Latest each and every working League of Angels: Pact Codes. You can collect these Codes and redeem them to get Fate Star Stone, Feather Crystal, Gold, Angel Essence, Sigil Stone, Silver Accessory Box, Amora Gallery, Coupons, Normal Summon Orb, Merit Token, Diamonds, Common Class Scroll and much more in game.
Essentially, in many games, developers often release special codes that players can redeem for free rewards such as in-game items, currency, or boosts. These codes are typically provided as a way for the developers to reward players and encourage continued engagement with the game.
All Working League of Angels Pact Codes
These are all League of Angels working codes available to the date. Which are released by developers via their official social media channels or in-game.
Codes | Description |
GOSFN | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Feb 17) |
NEWYEAR25 | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Jan 21) |
CHRISTMAS24 | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Dec 25) |
THANKS2024 | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Dec 4) |
LOAP2YEAR | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Nov 23) |
2ANNIVERSARY | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Nov 16) |
CANDY2024 | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Oct 31) |
FRIENDDAY | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Oct 13) |
ANGELSOUL | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Oct 13) |
FBNJS | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Oct 9) |
ASDFG | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Oct 9) |
SUMMERFUN | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Added on Sep 2) |
LOAPEU | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Europe version only) |
HAPPYBRDAY | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
LOAPMBR | Redeem this code to get free rewards. (Brazil version only) |
EASTER2024 | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
THANKFUL4U | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
TRICKTREAT | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
LOAPHW | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
LOAPACT | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
BATTLEZONE7 | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
GAMEMASTER | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
LEVELUPNOW | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
WENDYPACK | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
LEAGUEOFANGELSM | Redeem this code to get free rewards. |
Redeem these codes before they run out! We’ll be updating this page with new codes, so be sure to check back often to take advantage of the latest offers.
Note: We appreciate your help in keeping these codes up-to-date. If you spot any that are no longer valid, please leave a comment to let us know.
Limited Reward Codes
League Of Angels shares often released codes that can be redeemed in limited numbers. here are the latest limited reward codes.
- EternalFuryFCB
- gH8gY7LaDb9Koerw6
- 168hT7Jb50TJndpw7
- hES1977cAbT72btx8
- g6S1VNN0AaX7l03wX
- fES1WN7c50YM2cq5d
- gHS1Z7NaDc9L2dsCi
- gES1ZK70zeWLo0tCl
- j681YLJaDc9MkcpC3
- gIPf9KNcBeTMmcszw
- jE81WLNaBc9M2d35A
- jFO1WLJ0AaUNme3D6
- hI8j97KaAbXK2cq5K
- jFQ1U7Mdz0UMkc3DP
- 1FR1WJKczb9M20s5Y
- hHP197LbC0WJmc3He
- h681UKM050X7kbpH1
- f6PgXMM0BcYN2dpEn
- fF8fYN7bAeY7kbrF3
Expired Codes
These codes can be redeem by limited number of users. So, Some of these codes may works for you.
- j6Q19NNa5dV7n0toX
- hES1TMN0D0VMmb3qe
- 1ER19JKeDb972ap31
- iGR1ZJKeAaTJl03rl
- 1GQhTJNb5e9Jkb3pt
- 1G8iXKM0Ca9Ml03t4
- 1GS1ZJNcA097nd33D
- 1GRfUK7bA0WL2e33I
- j6819LK0Db9LkapqN
- jIPjUNKcB0VLne338
- 1HO19KJcBc9Jk0ppY
- iEQfWKKd5e9Nob3xe
- 16819MJcDc9Kkc3vh
- i681TL7050W72aqyl
- g6OjW7Je5bZL2asxp
- hF8f9NMcBeX7o03w4
- gER1Y770z09Kkesy5
- fGQ1977eA097manTQ
- 1GRgZLNbAbULnco9U
- 1GPgT7Nezb9Mmc3ec
- fF8gU7M0Dc9Nmb301
- j6P1UKKc5cZLkap0m
- jGOfXKKeC0972a3at
- 1H819ML0DeWLneqa4
- fGSfUJLe5bV7lb3a5
- 16O1TJJdAa97ldpcE
- g6OhYN7050VMkdpaM
- hI8fUMK0B0X7natbQ
- j6R1X7L050TKl0qcY
- fG8f9NN0AbYJoaq1b
- gESg9L70Ca9Nm0rh1
- jGRhWJNc50TNoapik
- fGS19ML05cWNnesgs
- g6Ri9J7cB0YJl0riv
- iF8jX77cDc9L2csg5
- hE81ZJN0BeYMmdsj6
- hIPiZMNezaUJnd31M
- hE81YK7a509M2bt18
- i6OfVLL05e9Jkb3g9
- 16OgY7Laz0Z720t2a
- gFOjY7LdzbW72ap21
- 1EP1XLLa5cYJl0r2o
- i6PjZLKe5a97kdqnq
- 1ERj9NK0Ab9L2csn4
- iGO1XK705e9N2etoC
- iIRh9KKeAdWMl03l6
- gI8g9JJ0AcZKnetlN
- i6819LJ05bXJnbrmO
- g68hU77azaU7l02Fy
- fESi9MKeB0U7oamHz
- f68fYJK0C0VKo0266
- f6QgW7J0AbW72elGJ
- 1I8jYM705097lb2FO
- fG81WNJ05cWMl02H9
- gFQ1XM70C0W720oJ0
- fGSi97Kb50VLoa271
- fIQhULKdDaYMmalJo
- 16SjTNMb5dTKo0nKt
- 1EOiUM7b50X7mcnJw
- jERf9KLbBcZ720o7D
- 1FSj9J70CcZ7m0nMG
- fG8gUNLe5eYMoclJ7
- fEOi977c5097mekKP
- 1GOf9KN0AaZL2dnMX
- 1GRgVJ7dzaWK2alOb
- 16PhW7NeBc9J2doR1
- 1ERi9L70D0YLobmR2
- fF8j9J70B09MoelP3
- 168fV7McDd9NnckS4
- hEO1VJMc5aUMm02PA
- i6PfZN7azdVKlelS6
- 1IS1UJMaz0Y7oam87
- h6RfZKKbB0WLla2PR
- iHSj9M70B097maoO9
- j68g977aAcXJm0oWa
- hGS1V77a5eW72anVj
- j6Qg9MNbAc9Nodm9k
- hGOi9KM0zaYMke2Tt
- hHOiZ7Nc5bU7ob294
- g6SiY7KbCaUJkbo9C
- h6Q19JN0C0YMlbm96
- 1EPh9KMdC0UKoakYK
- gER1ZKMaDe9Nk022H
- 168g9L7eD0YNnd2lL
- 1E8i9MJcze9Knc2oO
- gE8gV770zdUKkdkk9
- i681ZJKb5b9Jlckpe
- iHR19JMb50TNmblrj
- 1FQj9LL05e97obotl
- 1H8hZJMb5dWK2dop3
- g6Pg9JMeCb9Llb23u
- 1E8hXKL0A0T7me2r5
- g68i9LKbzeX7l0krF
- jESi9ML0BeZN202qL
- fGOgTMN0DaVN2bo3Q
- 1FS19KJdCdVKoao3V
- gGSjTJKb5dWJmcnve
- 1IO19M70DaVLoan41
- jFQj9NMeA0YLn0mw2
- fHQjXJLaCdXNld2yr
- i68hVJ7dAeVJnek44
- 1HO19KL0z0VJn0l4C
- 1EQf9NNeC0UN2c2xE
- jF8iVLKbCdT72eou7
- fF8i9MJcB09J2bk4P
- 1FQ1Z7K0CaXMnamy9
- 16OgT7LdBcUJmen5a
- gGSi97NbDaYLo0k5h
- fHSiYLK0AbUJkeoBn
- 1681YMNc5b9Mnd2Bp
- 16RgV77ez0WJnd2zv
- 1681TN7c5c9K2cm5A
- 1H8fY77bDeW7mc2DG
- gG81ULJ0AbT7mel5L
- iIQ1Z77az097m0oAS
- 1IQiW7MdD09N2c2BV
- gEQiYNNaD0972a260
- h6SjW7Ke5aV7ncm6j
- hG8iZ7Lczb9L20262
- 1FPi97NbCcZL20lH3
How to Redeem Codes in League of Angels: Pact
Redeeming gift codes in League of Angels: Pact is simple. Here are the step-by-step instructions:
- Open League of Angels: Pact on your Android or iOS
- Click on “Territory” button located at the bottom left corner of the screen
- Click on “Bonus Bringer” button
- Click on “Code” option located at the bottom right corner of the screen
- Fill the empty text box by copying and pasting the codes we’ve provided.
- Tap the “Submit” button to redeem
Your rewards – Fate Star Stone, Feather Crystal, Gold, Angel Essence, Sigil Stone, Silver Accessory Box, Amora Gallery, Coupons, Normal Summon Orb, Merit Token, Diamonds, Common Class Scroll and many more – will be added to your Mailbox in-game. Collect and Enjoy!
These rewards will help you get further ahead of everyone and it will help get overpowered in very beginning of the game.
Game Information
Title | League of Angels: Pact |
Developer | Game Hollywood Hong Kong Limited |
Genre | Role Playing, MMORPG, Idle RPG, Casual, Single Player, Multiplayer, Competitive Multiplayer, Stylized, Anime |
Version |
Requires Android | 4.4 and up |
Downloads | 50K+ Downloads |
In-app purchases | Yes |
Content rating | Rated for 3+ |
Released on |
May 28, 2023
Download Size |
58 MB
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